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Check out this week's

Here's some of the things you'll find on this CD:

MS-DOS Utilities 
Standard DOS utilities to prepare a new system such as 

Hardware Installation Tutorials 
Tutorials on how to install the following hardware:. 
CPUs - Disk Drives 
Hard Drives - Memory 
Motherboards - Networks 

Connector Pin-outs & Custom Cable Designs 
Collection of almost 200 different cable and connector pin-outs ... know what every pin and wire does. Also, custom design your own cables and adapters, such as a null modem cable or a 9-pin to 25-pin serial cable adapter. 
A great source of information for people studying for A+ Certification

Hard Drive Specifications & Setting
A huge database of over 10,000 specs and settings for almost every hard drive and hard drive controller ever created. 

Hard Drive Management 
Setup software for the major drive makes such as:
Seagate Maxtor Western Digital 

System Tweaks 
Software to improve your PC's performance included:
Enable undocumented features in your CPU to speed up your system 
Tweak your motherboard chipset to increase system performance 
Increase your dial-up internet connect by as much as 50% 
Speed up your video and 3D accelerator cards by enabling hidden features 
Programs to make your CPU run cooler and double it's life span 

System Diagnostic and Analyzers 
The Technician's helper Software to run a battery of tests on your PC to help you locate problems ... Burn-in new systems, even a tool to check the alignment of your monitor. 

Benchmarking Tools 
The official benchmarking tools used by major computer magazines such as 
PC World
and PC Magazine ... test your PC and all of it's components including special tools for your CD-ROM, audio system, and 3D video card. 

Hardware Manufacturers Links 
A library of links to over 1,000 hardware internet sites broken down by easy to understand categories. 

AntiVirus Software 
Keep your PC safe from all the most recent viruses and trojan horses circulating  around the internet 

Latest Windows Software and Office Service Packs 
Office SR-1 and Office SR-2 packs as well as Direct X 7 and the Media Player 

Latest Novell Netware Client 
The latest client for Windows and DOS to access Novell Netware networks 

CMOS Editors 
Change your CMOS settings, including resetting the system password 
This could be worth the price of the whole CD)

Hot PC Links 
Links to the hottest PC related web sites on the net so you can quickly get at best resources the 'net has to offer. Drivers, Utilities, and more...

Decompression Software 
Not everyone uses the same compression software, it's annoying when you download a driver only to find you don't have the proper software to extract it. No more; this CD provides software for just about any file you'll come across. 

and much more, too much to list...

I have made a bundle with these kinds of utilities over the last 16 years!

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